Welcome to this course on Deep Learning for Computer Vision!
This course will teach you the fundamentals of Deep Learning applied to images. Each topic will be covered under three different types of materials:
- Lessons, such as this one, accompanied by slides and small quizzes between chapters;
- Practices, with Google Colab notebooks where we will code actual algorithms;
- And, quizzes, where you will test your recall on the important notions.
Lessons and practices are essential to learn new materials. However knowledge can be brittle, it’s then best to test it with active recall through quizzes. If you’re really motivated, you can also download the Anki decks I provide for each lessons. Anki is a space-repetition tools to ingrain deeply knowledge in your memory, and to basically never forget it. I’m not kidding, it’s a marvel.
No more chitchat, let’s start.
A Bit Of History
In 1956, the summer workshop of Darmouth was held with prestigious participants (Minsky, Shannon, McCarthy, etc.). This event marked the starting point of Artificial Intelligence as a field on its own. The hopes were high: beating a chess champion, prove math theorems, replace human’s works. Following this meeting, Rosenblatt created the perceptron in 1958, a very simplified model of a biological neuron that aimed to classify images. Yes, “artificial neural networks” and “computer vision” aren’t new.
Despite these initial progresses, the field suffered from severe cutbacks in funding leading to the first AI winter in the 70s. The expectation were too great compared to what was achieved. This phenomenon occurred again in the 80s. At this point, practical applications came mainly from other approaches than neural networks, the Support-Vector Machines (SVMs) invented in 1992 proved to be useful for the decades to come.
During the same time, Le Cun developped the first Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which was specialized to work on images. Fast-forward a few years, Deep CNNs became the kind of image classification, first in 2011 with Ciresan, and later in 2012 with AlexNet of Krizhevsky.
Deep Learning 101
In this course, we will first code a perceptron, the early CNN of Le Cun, and models similar to AlexNet. Then, we will explore the more recent approaches made to Deep Learning. At this point, you may be confused by the terminology: artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, deep learning… What’s their differences?

AI vs ML vs DL
Machine Learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence based on statistical methods. Deep Learning is a subfield of Machine Learning based on deep neural networks.
Deep Neural Networks, that I’ll now abbreviate to DNNs, are made of different modules, exactly like Legos and can be seen as a single function \(f\):

Computation graph
On the left, \(X\) is the input. It can be an image, a text, a sound, etc. On the right, \(f(X)\) is the result of the function \(f\) when applied on \(X\). The DNN showcased here is made of four blocks: two linear operations (\(W_0\), \(W_1\)) and two non-linear operations (\(\sigma\), \(\sigma\)). The former holds parameters which are also known as the network’s neurons. The latter are without any parameters.
We want to learn the parameters stored in \(W_0\) and \(W_1\) in order to have a function \(f\) suitable to our goal which could be classifying cats and dogs from an image. Following this example, our result \(f(X)\) would be a float value between 0 and 1. 0 would indicate that our network is certain that \(X\) is an image of cat, and respectively for 1 an image of dog. Most of the time our network is not fully confident and \(f(X)\) could be 0.2, 0.4, or even 0.7.
So, we want to make sure that \(f\) is as certain as possible —and right– given an image \(X\). To do so, we need a loss function (also called cost function). This new function has to penalize our network if it makes a mistake (i.e. saying cat for a dog image) or if it is too uncertain (i.e. 0.47 for a cat image):

Example of the loss function
A small loss means that our model is not that bad, and we shouldn’t change too much its parameters. On the other hand, a high loss means that we should change a lot of parameters in order to improve.
In this course, we will cover how to design our function \(f\) (also called model or architecture), what loss function we can choose, and how to actually update our parameters.
There is a lot of hype currently going about Deep Learning, but is there any actual applications? Yes there are!
- When Siri, Alexa, or Ok Google listen and understand your oral command
- When your phone unlock itself when it detects your face, like Apple’s FaceID
- Google translate or even your Google search
- Autonomous driving
- Faster analysis for radiology
- AlphaFold 2 recently greatly improved the protein folding problem
- Better resolution of video games with more FPS with Nvidia’s DLSS
- Faster resolution of computationally intensive physics simulation
And many more.
Deep Learning and Data Science, both in research and industry, is mainly done with the Python programming language. While Python is a very slow language, computation heavy tasks are deferred to a faster language like Fortran or C++.
Furthermore while programming is usually done on CPUs, it’s still too slow for the large amount of compute that deep neural networks need. Thus we will need another piece of hardware: GPUs. Originally designed for computer graphic applications that also do a lot of algebra. This is also the main reason why Deep Learning didn’t work before recently, we didn’t have the right hardware!
Unfortunately, GPUs are quite expensive. For this course all coding practice will be done on Google Colab which lend for free GPUs for a few hours. However, you’re free to download the exercises and run it on your favorite setting.
Finally, several Deep Learning frameworks exist: Pytorch, Keras / Tensorflow, Jax, etc. Although Tensorflow greatly improved with its second version, we will use PyTorch. It’s a personal opinion, but I feel PyTorch to be more Pythonic and its API is also clearer. But overall, it doesn’t make a big difference; if you master PyTorch, we can learn in no time Tensorflow.
Now, let’s check with a quick quiz our understanding of this chapter:
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